Gutter U19 VM på Ullernbanen 19. - 21. januar!
Postet av Ullern Bandy den 19. Jan 2024
Grunnet baneforholdene på Voldsløkka er U19 VM flyttet til Ullernbanen i hui og hast. Banen er derfor ikke åpen for publikum denne helgen, men ta turen innom for å se fartsfylt bandy og heie frem de norske guttene!
- 10:00: Norge vs. Finland
- 14:00: Finland vs. Sverige
- 18:00: Sverige vs. Norge
- 10:00: Finland vs. Norge
- 14:00: Norway vs. Sweden (Nor-Swe)
- 18:00: Sweden vs. Finland (Swe-Fin)
- 12:00: Finale
Fra Bandyforbundets nettsider:
"The Norwegian Bandy Federation (NBF) is excited to announce that the World Championship in Bandy for Boys 19 will be hosted in Oslo from January 19-21, 2024.
This championship is a fantastic opportunity for young talent to showcase their skills and love for bandy. Oslo, with its beautiful scenery and rich culture, is the perfect setting for this international gathering. The Norwegian Bandy Federation is eager to share our city and our passion for bandy with participants and spectators. We invite fans and supporters to come and enjoy the matches at Voldsløkka in Oslo, creating an electric atmosphere and making this World Championship a memorable experience.
Let’s celebrate the spirit of bandy together, make new friends, and create lasting memories against the backdrop of Oslo’s charm. The Norwegian Bandy Federation looks forward to hosting an unforgettable event and sharing the joy of bandy with the global community!"
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